What is NCS?

NCS is a combat system built in the Second Life Framework. Though it's a system that is not mainly focused on roleplay, it has been inspired by roleplay videogames around the world. Before you ask, we are not like any other Combat System in Second Life.

What makes us different?

We built NCS for the community, not for making profits. We want a stable Combat System and without errors, we want a Combat System that offers support and bug fixing along time. But mainly, what makes us different is that NCS is an open system, without rules. The developers will provide with the system to the Sim owners, and each Sim owner will use their own rules on their sim. NCS admins will not intervene or mediate on any roleplay situation. We believe in an open system where the users deside how to use it.


The developers behind NCS are Senior Engineers with many years of experience on building and delivering products. That being said, we will use our most powerful tool for building the perfect system, YOU. Yes, we will build the perfect system by following the community's feedback.
That's why we provide a repository for reporting issues or asking for new features on Github. We will analyze, solve and reward each reported issue or bug on the system. Any feature request will be analyzed as well by the team. If your request gets implemented, the admins will reward the person that has suggested the feature.

Developers: Aguila Kubrick

How does the system work?

Visit our Wiki for information about the skills, races, classes and more!